
Hiring a Contractor for your Home Improvements

Finding the right person to work with you on your home improvements can be a challenge.  In our region, it is an industry where very few have websites to provide helpful information about who they are, how long they have been in business or examples of their work.  Instead, much of our connection with potential businesses comes through social media posts and referrals.

The first logical place to begin is to reach out to discuss your project and get a quote for what you need.  Try to connect with at least two or three different contractors and compare them.  Is there something that sets one off from the others?  Maybe better attention to details for what you are looking for or maybe a better way to implement your project that can save you money?

Before making a decision on hiring someone, there are a few things that you can do to learn if a particular contractor might be a good fit for you:

  • Check their website (if they have one) and learn about the company and their value proposition for you as a homeowner.
  • Do your internet searches for their business (google, facebook, community pages, angie, houzz, homeadvisor, etc.) and check their reviews.
  • Ask for examples of their work (photos), along with references from people they have done business with recently that you can contact.
  • Are they licensed and insured for the work that they do? (Ask for a certificate of insurance that you can have on file for your project.)
  • How do they communicate?  Will they return phone calls or emails promptly within a reasonable timeframe? 
  • Are they reliable – showing up on time, letting you know if they are running late?
  • Do they provide a warranty period for the work they perform?
  • Are there any known complaints filed against them?

It’s good to keep in mind that price is only a portion of the things that go into making the decision to hire a particular contractor.  There is a level of trust and confidence in the relationship and capability that builds up over time when you know you are receiving professional craftsmanship and service for your improvement projects. Chances are, when you find the right person to work with, they will become part of your home’s history and will be someone who will return again and again to help with the work you need to get done.