
Your Insurance Needs When You Are Moving

While buying a new house is certainly one of the most exciting things anyone can do, the actual process of getting into that house is often full of stress and hard work. Even when the sale has finally closed, you still have an incredibly daunting task ahead of you: moving. Some people choose to do it themselves; others hire professional help. Either way, it’s important to consider your valuable possessions, and what might happen to them during the move. No matter how careful you are, there’s always the risk that something bad can happen to these irreplaceable keepsakes. This is why it’s important to consider moving insurance.


What is moving insurance?

Just like it sounds, moving insurance is insurance that is specifically designed to protect you from loss during the process of moving from one home to another. It is a short-term policy that covers the cost of these items should they be stolen, broken or lost during the move. As stressful as this time can be, the peace of mind that comes from knowing your valuables are protected is often worth as much, if not more, than the items themselves.


Moving company guarantees

But wait, you might ask – don’t moving companies guarantee the items they move? The answer to that question isn’t easy. In theory, a moving company guarantees your items against negligence. This is called “valuation,” and it’s a moving company’s version of insurance (although, it should be noted that for legal purposes they aren’t allowed to call it that).


Most basic moving company contracts will provide some form of valuation, and you can actually upgrade the valuation for more protection. However, this is not always fool-proof. In some cases, the valuation has a limit to the amount of protection offered. This means that more expensive items, such as antiques, heirlooms and large pieces of furniture, might not be covered under the terms of the valuation contract.


In addition, it’s not unusual for companies to try and wiggle out of paying by claiming that events were outside of their control – if you packed some boxes yourself, for example, they could try and claim that it was your faulty packing that led to the damage.


Existing insurance coverage

You might also wonder if your existing home insurance covers this move. Again, it’s a good question that doesn’t have an easy answer, because in truth it depends on the policy and its coverage. It’s safe to assume that it doesn’t cover it, however, since most homeowner policies only cover things while they exist inside the home. Once an item leaves the home, the coverage usually no longer applies. It’s a good idea to contact your insurance company and nail down specifically what is and isn’t covered during a move under your existing policy.


Purchasing moving insurance

So, even though we’ve seen that the moving company and your existing policy might offer some protection, it’s a safe bet that it isn’t enough coverage for the life you’ve built up over the years. This is where moving insurance comes in. This type of insurance is built specifically to cover items while they are being packed up in one place, transported across town, across the country or even internationally and unpacked in a new location.


Even better, most moving insurance policies last for a while, and cover damage of any kind, no matter what. So, if your items are in transit, but have to sit in one place for whatever reason, they’re still covered. If an earthquake happens to damage your items during the move, they’re covered.


In addition, many moving insurance policies also cover internal damage to electronics and appliances. So, even if the item in question looks completely fine, if it doesn’t work properly once it reaches its final destination, it’s possible to file a claim to get the item replaced.


Of course, different types of moving insurance plans can cover different sorts of items, events and amounts, but in general this sort of coverage provides you with the satisfaction of knowing that you’re covered, even if unforeseeable problems occur during the move.


Contact us today

If you are looking at a move in your near future, you’re probably stressed out enough as it is. You owe it to yourself to purchase the peace of mind that comes from moving insurance, and we are ready to help you. Please contact us at Bieritz Insurance today so our team can help assess your needs and come up with a plan of protection for you and your valuables. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Parking Lot Safety: What You Need to Know

Parking lots contain a lot of potential safety hazards for both pedestrians and drivers. The National Safety Council (NHS) states that tens of thousands of crashes occur in parking lots and garages each year. This results in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries. Parking lots are busy places. Drivers can be distracted by talking or texting on their phones. Pedestrians can also become distracted as they cross the lot. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself and others while looking for a parking spot.

Follow the Signs

Watch out for signs stating specific rules for driving or parking in the lot. For intersections without a stop sign, make sure to follow the right-of-way procedures. Stay within the lanes and avoid cutting across the parking lot. Only park in designated parking areas. Parking spots with a wheelchair logo, are for drivers with the handicap card or license plate. Also, be sure to watch the direction the arrows of the pavement are pointing towards.

Stay Alert

Backing out of a parking lot requires your full attention. While backing out, do so slowly and proceed with caution. Small children tend to dart quickly around and behind vehicles. Use your rearview mirror or if equipped, your car’s backup camera system. The American Automobile Association (AAA) suggests that drivers reverse into parking spaces when possible. Also, finding a parking spot that allows you to drive forward instead of reversing can make exiting the lot easier.

Slow Down

You might be tempted to increase your speed while searching for the perfect parking spot. Take your time and follow the posted speed limit. There can be unseen hazards such as potholes, debris, or ice that can cause injury to both the pedestrian and the driver.


Parking Garages

Parking garages also contain many potential safety hazards. Poorly lit parking garages can be a difficult environment for visibility, especially at night. To ensure safety, park your car near well-lit areas. Not only will it make it easier to spot passing pedestrians, but it can also serve as a deterrent for thieves. Parking garages contain blind spots and many drivers ignore traffic signs. While driving through the parking garage, be sure to follow the arrows and traffic signs.


If you find yourself in a fender bender, don’t fret. Our team at Bieritz Insurance Agency is here to help you. We are family-owned and operated, and will provide professional and exceptional customer service. Expect to talk to real people, not machines. Contact Bieritz Insurance Agency today to speak to a team member for more information today!

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Things to Know when Buying Your First Home

For many, there’s nothing more exciting than buying your first home. Being a homeowner is the ultimate rite-of-passage into a world full of adult responsibilities, and to many it is the ultimate goal.  Buy a home can be a daunting prospect – it is a long-term commitment.  Most people have heard horror stories, such as home sales falling through at the last minute – even up to the day of closing – or a beautiful house turning out to be a money pit. How can you make sure that something like that doesn’t happen to you? You can’t plan for every contingency, but do everything in your power to avoid those sorts of problems simply by arming yourself with knowledge beforehand.

Here are some things to know as a first-time home buyer that can help you avoid some of the worst pitfalls.

Clear Your Credit Now

The biggest barrier that prevents most people from even being able to consider buying a house is their credit score. If you’ve not given much thought to your credit up until this point, it’s time you take a good look at it now. That number for your credit score has serious ramifications on what is and isn’t possible. A high credit score can open many doors, and can make home ownership both possible and affordable.

The good news is that it’s easy to check your credit score. Many banks offer free credit reporting for their customers, and there are other services that allow you to see your current credit score and investigate what factors might be having an impact.

Things like the number of accounts you own and the total amount of debt you currently carry can play a big role in whether a financial institution will be willing/able to lend to you. Monitoring your credit lets you see where you stand, and lets you fix any mistakes or problems that your report might show before you begin the process for a home purchase.


Find a Mortgage Before You Find a House

After deciding to buy a house, many first-time buyers make the mistake of house-hunting right away, before they’ve actually secured a mortgage offer from a lending institution. This is a mistake for several reasons.  First, they run the risk of looking for houses that are out of their price range. Not only is this a waste of time; it also makes for great disappointment later. Imagine, finding the perfect house, only to realize later than you can’t afford it!  Securing your funding in advance will help to avoid this kind of heartbreak. A second reason to get a mortgage before you shop is because no offer on a home will be taken seriously without a mortgage letter in hand, stating that the prospective buyer actually has the money to pay for it. Until that happens, any other offer with an actual mortgage lender behind it will be considered and accepted first.  The third reason to get the mortgage secured first is that it can take time to get through that process. Many documents have to be collected and sent in, and underwriters and other deciders need to review all of the information before deciding whether to extend a mortgage offer, and for much. This can all take time (a few months is not rare) – time that could mean the difference between having an offer considered or rejected.


Think About a Down Payment

Another financial question to consider is the down payment. How much money are you able to save up in the amount of time you have available to you? How much you actually need can depend on which loan program you go through. A regular bank is most likely going to require a down payment of some sort (although the old-fashioned requirement of 20% down is no longer the industry norm). Some programs, though, such as VA Mortgages or USDA Mortgages can offer customers the possibility of no-down payment loans, which can make home ownership a much easier proposition for many people.


Make Sure You Will Have Money Left Over

Between paying the down payment, discount points and other possible fees, it’s easy to leave the closing with zero money left in the bank. Don’t let that happen! After you move in you’re going to find dozens of things you might need to buy, from light bulbs to new locks, and having a little extra set aside is going to be extremely helpful.


Consider Purchasing a Home Warranty

Early on in the process of making an offer and negotiating terms, it’s vital to request that the seller purchase a home warranty. Even with a thorough home inspection coming back clean, chances are good that something in the house is going to break after you move in, and the peace of mind that comes with a full-coverage home warranty can not be understated.  NOTE: If a Home Warranty is not available, then you can consider adding insurance for your home equipment and infrastructure.  We have information about this at the link below:

Insurance for your Home Equipment and Infrastructure


If you are interested in buying a home and need more information about how we can help with your insurance needs, please contact us today!

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We’re Hiring! Position Announcement January 2021

Insurance Customer Service Representative

Do you enjoy working with people and businesses to help them succeed?

Join the Bieritz Insurance Agency, in Cooperstown, NY. We are seeking a full time Customer Service Representative.  Experience in P&C insurance is preferred but not required.

Training and licensing to be provided. Pay to be determined upon experience.

Requirements: Pleasing phone mannerisms, database skills, one year of customer service experience and the ability to multitask.

To apply, please complete and submit the form below.  Thank you!


Employment Application Form

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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How to Be More Energy Efficient and Stay Warm on a Budget This Winter

caulking glass windows and doors to stay warm this winterIf you want to be energy efficient or stay warm on a budget, you are in luck. Keep reading to learn about ways to stay warm without increasing your energy bill or reinsulating your entire home.


Check Your Glass Doors

Glass doors are often advertised as a positive feature. They provide natural light and a view of the outdoors. Unfortunately, glass is a terrible insulator. If you have touched a window on a cold day, you already know that. In extreme cases, it is noticeable cooler by a door than it is away from it. A frustrating and expensive amount of heat is lost through glass doors. There are several ways you can combat this heat loss. Replacing the door is always an option, either with a more energy-efficient glass door or one that is not made of glass. Newer glass doors usually have an additional insulator in the form of air or plastic that reduces heat loss. There are options that offer all of the benefits glass doors have with none of the associated costs.


There are other options if you do not want to replace your glass door. Simply hanging drapes in front of a glass door can be effective, even if you only close them at night. An estimated 25 percent of home heating costs stem from heat loss caused by windows, glass doors and skylights, so anything you do will make a difference.


Caulk Around Windows

Caulking around windows is a cheap and simple DIY project that can have enormous benefits. A tube of caulk will likely cost less than $10, depending on where you live and the brand you buy. Use the right type for the job to achieve the best results. There are exterior caulks designed specifically for outdoor use and humidity and mold-resistant ones for use in bathrooms.


Even if you have never caulked anything before, it is worth trying. There are numerous how-to YouTube videos available on the subject and even more articles offering advice. Only apply caulk to dry surfaces. You do not want to seal potentially damaging moisture into a crack, which will only cause more problems in the long run.


Use a Programmable Thermostat

Using a programmable thermostat is a great way to save money, as it allows you to be more energy-efficient. Hire someone to install it for you if you do not feel comfortable doing it yourself. It may be the most expensive advice on the list, but it is worth it. According to the EPA, using a programmable thermostat can reduce the cost of heating your home by up to 30 percent, if you use it correctly.


To take full advantage of your thermostat, program it to keep your home at 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you are awake and in the house. If you are sleeping or at work, set it to be 10-12 degrees cooler. This temperature is warm enough to keep your pipes from freezing while still saving you a considerable amount of money.


Buy a Humidifier

While it might sound counterintuitive, humid air holds more heat than dry air. Humidifiers are fairly affordable, and they are well worth the money. The EPA recommends keeping the humidity in your home between 30 and 60 percent for the best indoor air quality. At 40 percent humidity, 68 degrees Fahrenheit in your home will feel equivalent to 74 degrees when the humidity is at 20 percent.


In addition to saving money, using a humidifier will keep your home more comfortable. There are also potential health benefits. Increased humidity in your home may help alleviate allergies, coughs, dry skin and even sinus headaches.


Cook at Home

Cooking or baking at home during the winter is both cost and energy-efficient. Heat given off by your stove is heat your furnace does not have to produce. Since you have to eat, it is a great way to reduce heating costs during the winter months. Cooking at home has several added benefits. It is much cheaper than going out to eat, which will also save you money. It’s usually healthier too, and eating can help you feel warmer.


Complex carbohydrates are among the best foods to help you feel warmer. They increase thermogenesis, which is your body’s heat production. That means you can snack on whole wheat bread, potatoes, quinoa and oatmeal guilt-free this winter.


These are just some of the options available to increase your home’s energy efficiency while helping you stay warm this winter without breaking the bank. We hope you found this advice helpful and that you’re excited to implement these ideas.


If you end up making significant upgrades to your home, contact our offices to see how this might impact your insurance.

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How Covid-19 is Changing Life Insurance

Life insurance is a necessity for most adults. Protecting and providing for your family is important should something happen to you. With how drastically our world has changed over the past few months, you may wonder if the life insurance industry has shifted as well.

Life insurance has always been important and relevant for people who have financial dependents, but the true value of it has come into focus. It is about the entire financial security of your loved ones. It is even more important now that we have seen firsthand what a pandemic can do. Views of life insurance and the corresponding policies have shifted slightly.

How Consumers Views of Life Insurance Have Changed

The way people look at life insurance has changed:

  • People are thinking about it more.
    With a pandemic and life being changed so much, people are more concerned about their families and the future. There are so many unknowns and people want to be sure their families are protected. This concern helps bring life insurance back to top of mind for many people. Many life insurance providers have seen an increase in applications during this time. If you have financial dependents, you should look at getting the proper life insurance coverage now.
  • An easy online application is needed.
    Because people are not risking going out as much, the life insurance application needs to be fast, easy and available online. People do not want to go out unecessarily at this time because they are concerned about their health. Because of this, applications need to be quick. Many insurance companies have expanded their automated underwriting processes to help account for this shift in mindset.
  • Affordable and flexible coverage is important.
    Many people are currently unemployed and the economy is struggling. People may be overly cautious when it comes to spending money. They are looking for more affordable life insurance premiums.
  • Exceptional customer service is imperative.
    Life insurance is something that most people do not want to think about. Death is a scary thing and life insurance can be confusing. People will want to talk with someone they trust and someone who will answer questions quickly. They will not want to have to take the time to search out information on their own. A company that is easy to work with is invaluable during this process.
  • Reliability is a high priority.
    People may be finding it difficult to see friends and family during this time. They are connecting more virtually. With this uncertainty hanging over them, they will want something more reliable. They want to work with an insurer who they can count on to be there when they are needed.


How Life Insurance Practices and Policies Have Changed

Review these considerations when assessing life insurance:

  • Active policy will not change.
    If people already have an active life insurance policy in place, they do not need to worry about not being covered. Your policy is secure and will not change.
  • Exams are still being required in many cases.
    Even though people are not going out as much, exams will probably still be required. Many insurers use third party companies, who will follow closely with CDC guidelines to ensure patients’ safety.
  • Age restrictions could factor in.
    The full effects of the virus are yet to be seen and some companies may impose limits for those applying for life insurance. Some places have stopped issuing new polcies for people who are over 70 years of age. Applying earlier rather than later is essential, especially with how things are right now.
  • Disclosure of travel.
    Another thing that could factor into your application is travel abroad. This is usually a consideration if you have traveled within the past 30 days. It is important that you are specific on your application and do not omit information because you are worried about getting approved. Your application could be postponed if you traveled to high-infection areas.
  • If you currently have coronavirus, it could affect getting approved.
    Insurers are asking people with coronovirus to wait to apply for coverage. You will need to disclose your medical history and whether you are currently sick. Coronavirus has the potential to make someone terminally ill very quickly, so you may not be able to get a guaranteed issue policy until you have recovered.
  • Otherwise, do not wait out pandemic before getting coverage.
    With the looming pandemic, many people are avoiding doing certain things. Acquiring life insurance should not be one of them. It is even more important to have this protection during times of crisis.
  • Changes are company-dependent.
    The changes above are things to consider, but you need to confirm any policies with the individual insurer.

Our team can help you with any questions you may have about life insurance. Contact us at Bieritz Insurance today.

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The Impacts of Being Underinsured

Insurance is meant to protect your home, your car, your belongings and your family from financially devastating incidents.  Few people *like* to pay for insurance. For many, home and auto insurance seems like large expenses for something they probably will never need, and for that reason, some will choose to insure for a bare minimum in order to save more and spend less. However, while being underinsured may seem thrifty, in the long run, the money you end up having to pay will likely exceed the amount you save. Here are some of the reasons why being underinsured is more expensive than receiving sufficient insurance.


Expensive Emergency Repair Costs

As anybody who has had their home severely damaged after an accident or natural disaster can attest, however much they were paying on insurance, it was pocket change compared to the costs in repairs. If you don’t have enough coverage, you could be on your own when disaster strikes. What’s more, if you’re not sufficiently insured, you may run into some trouble with your local government for not adhering to local regulation codes in regards to home insurance.


Risk of Flood Damage

Some people who have insurance for most risks choose to abstain from buying flood insurance to save money. After all, most standard homeowner policies don’t automatically cover flood damage and floods are a rare occurrence anyway. This is a bad idea, however, as even with maximum FEMA flood protection, you could be left with massive deductibles, so it’s important to get additional coverage in case of these natural disasters.


High-Value Items may not be Covered

The problem with small, basic insurance policies is that they only cover general forms of damage to things like walls and floors, etc. But there are many items of significant worth like jewelry, paintings, rare coins, antiques, china and clothing that often slip through cheaper policies. There could be thousands of dollars worth in valuable items that you could lose completely without the right coverage.


An Accident Could Have a Very High Deductible

Deductibles are often not looked at very closely by people shopping for insurance. Most people prefer lower premiums even with the risk of paying high deductibles. This makes some sense financially, however, you don’t want to ignore deductibles completely, as this could lead to you spending considerably more money after an accident. A typical $500 dollar deductibles could be turned into a much higher deductible for a less expensive policy and should be considered when making decisions on the overall expense.


Your Insurance May Not Cover Your Repairs 

‘Bare-boned’ insurance policies may simply not provide enough to cover your actual repair costs.  If you opt for a minimal policy, make sure you review a ‘worst-case’ scenario with our team so that you can make an informed decision.


Extra Expenses Can Add Up

Finally, remember that insurance policies are not simply meant to cover the cost of damage to your house or car, they are also to help you with any extra expenses that may result. Even if your insurance covers your house in case of fire, you may have lodging expenses to pay while your home is being repaired. Likewise, if your basic insurance covers your car for accidents and repair costs, it might not reimburse you for a rental that you need to get around in the meantime.  Insufficient policies often leave people hung out to dry when it comes to assisting them with additional expenses, and these expenses can add up.


Many people, especially now, are trying to take steps to save money on their monthly bills. Insurance is not the area to make cuts as your policy needs to cover expenses when filing a claim. If you’re worried that you might be underinsured, look over your home and car policies and discuss your concerns with our team at Bieritz Insurance. Review your policies each year to make sure they continue to provide adequate coverage. Remember to think about your insurance in relation to the price of your house, your property value, and the demand in the housing market in your area.

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Ten Things to Do to Get Your Car Ready for Winter

As fall is approaching, it is time to start thinking about cold weather and what changes it can have on your daily life. As the winter months get closer, so does the threat of winter weather. Ensuring your car is prepared for winter weather is crucial for keeping yourself safe and your car in good shape. Here are the top ten ways to prepare your car for the winter.  

Change Your Oil/Schedule for Service

One of the most essential things to get your car prepared for the winter is to schedule for a full service appointment. This usually includes an oil change, tire rotation and a general checkup of the car’s basic functions. Regular servicing of your vehicles is a great way to ensure everything is working properly, which is especially important when preparing for winter. 

When getting your car serviced, talk to your mechanic about which oil is right for your car for colder weather. As the weather gets colder, oil tends to thicken and may not lubricate your engine as well. 

Check Your Heater and Defroster

The functionality of your heater and defroster are essential for getting through the winter. Have your mechanic inspect your heating system and defroster before the weather gets cold – just in case there is anything that needs to be fixed (before you actually need it). For example, a broken defroster can be dangerous in cold weather since it can obstruct your field of vision. 

Check Your Coolant Levels

Coolant helps to prevent your engine from freezing and cracking. It also ensures that everything stays lubricated and doesn’t become corroded. Check your coolant levels regularly to ensure proper function. You can test your coolant’s freeze protection by using a ‘coolant tester’ to make sure you are ready for cold weather. 

Check Your Tires

As the weather gets colder, the air pressure in your tires may decrease. Check your tire pressure regularly during the winter to ensure you are not at risk of getting a flat tire. Luckily, most newer cars can automatically detect low tire pressure and will notify you.

If you live in an area that is prone to heavy snow like ours, consider investing in snow tires. Snow tires will improve your traction so you can drive through snowy areas more easily. Snow tires can be used in the winter months as opposed to all-season tires which can be used for the rest of the year. If you are considering snow tires, make sure you are aware of any installation fees that may come with them. 

Test Your Car Battery

If you find yourself stuck in the snow, a dead car battery is a worst-case scenario. If you have an older battery, have your mechanic check the charge levels to ensure that it is working properly. Make sure the battery has enough water and that the connections are corrosion-free. Regardless of the health of your battery, always keep jumper cables in your car just in case (see our auto emergency kit recommendations below)

Consider Winter Wiper Blades

For heavy snow areas, it may be necessary to invest in winter wiper blades. Regular wiper blades can easily get covered with snow which affects their performance. Winter wiper blades are usually wrapped with a rubber casing that prevents snow from sticking. Luckily, they are affordable and can be used interchangeably with your regular wiper blades. 

Lubricate Areas That Will Easily Freeze

In extremely cold weather, certain areas in your car may freeze or become stiff. Window tracks and weather stripping are the first areas to freeze since water can seep in. Once that water freezes, it can freeze your door shut and lock you out of your car. Latches, hinges and door locks are also prone to freezing. Dry Teflon spray, silicone spray or graphite lubricant all work well for use on vehicle parts to prevent freezing. 

Have a Basic Survival Kit 

Regardless of the weather, it is essential to have a survival kit in your car in case of an emergency. This is especially crucial in the winter due to blizzard conditions and icy roads. Here are some must-have items needed for every car survival kit:

  • LED Flashlight
  • Jumper Cables
  • Hat, Gloves and Extra Shoes
  • Cat Litter or Safety Absorbent
  • First-Aid kit
  • Tire Repair Kit
  • Tire Chains
  • Shovel
  • Ice Scraper
  • Flares and/or reflective caution road markers
    (Note: if you are using road flares, remember to practice safety when lighting them. https://www.wikihow.com/Light-a-Road-Flare

Don’t forget to bring some bottled water with you on longer trips as well.

Know What to do in Winter Emergencies

If you get stuck in the snow or caught in blizzard conditions, make sure you know what to do during an emergency. If you are stuck, stay with your vehicle and call for help. Put on extra clothing to stay warm and run the car periodically. Use flares if need be and make sure to stay hydrated. 

Four-Wheel Drive

If you have a car with four-wheel drive, ensure that you know how to use your four-wheel drive system and that everything is working properly. Since four-wheel drive systems are not used in the summer months, make sure everything activates properly beforehand. 


Overall, gearing up for the winter months may require extra maintenance and preparation for your vehicle. Taking these steps will help keep you safe and secure during the winter months, while also ensuring your vehicle is in good shape. If you are looking for insurance for your auto, please contact us today for a free quote or visit our website to learn more. 

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Finding the Best Insurance Coverage for Your Antique Automobile

Just like a fine wine, some of our greatest material possessions gain value over time. This is true of exceptional antique automobiles. Your antique automobile must be protected in all ways, from suitable shelter to ample insurance coverage.


When insuring an antique auto, there are many considerations to make. Equip yourself by exploring the specific aspects of selecting antique automobile insurance.


Understand the Terminology

The first step is understanding the vocabulary used when discussing collectible antique vehicles. What is the difference between a classic, vintage and antique car? 


It is important to understand that there is not a single definition that is accepted in all situations. Many state Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMV’s), insurance companies and distinctive car clubs classify the terms differently. However, there are widely-accepted distinctions between the categories that should be known:



  • Antique:  The Antique Automobile Club of America denotes an antique automobile as one being 50 years old or older. (Some organizations begin the distinction at 45). This classification includes the Veteran Era, the Brass Era, and the Vintage Era. 
  • Classic: The Classic Car Club of America designates cars between 30-49 years old as classic cars. 
  • Historic: Automobiles may be placed in the category of “historic” or “historical vehicle” if 25 years or older or 15 years or older and no longer manufactured. 
  • Vintage:  An automobile may receive this title if it was manufactured between the years 1919 and 1930. 


Understand the Qualifications

Does age alone qualify a vehicle for these classifications of distinction? Absolutely not. If this were true, every junkyard would be filled with antique and classic cars. To achieve the designation of antique, classic or historic, insurance companies are looking for these additional qualifications:


  • Limited Use: The vehicle cannot be used for everyday commuting or for running errands or other common purposes. The vehicle is driven rarely and for specific reasons. You may be required to show proof of ownership of a primary car for everyday use.
  • Properly sheltered: Many insurance policies require you to show that the car is adequately stored. The garage or building must protect your vehicle from the elements and the likelihood of damage or theft.
  • Increase of value over time: Unlike the majority of automobiles that depreciate in value due to customary use and wear, a distinctive antique or classic car will actually appreciate over the years. This vehicle is an investment worthy of the highest levels of protection.


Understand the Process

Once you have educated yourself on the terminology and qualifications for antique vehicles, you are ready to make a wise decision in insuring your automobile. Follow these steps to achieve maximum insurance coverage:


  • Know your own priorities and goals:
    Review your dreams and objectives in investing in an antique car. Do you want to enjoy the look and feel of your car for the pleasure of yourself and your family? Would you like to take the car for short rides and share it with friends? Are car shows and travel in your future? Have a clear vision of what you want from your experience in determining your insurance needs.
  • Select an insurance company that understands antique cars:
    Not all insurance companies are alike. Some companies have little knowledge or experience in protecting the specialized needs of car collectors or antique car enthusiasts. Shop for companies that have a great record in classic and antique cars (like us, Bieritz Insurance!).
  • Find someone who can answer your questions:
    Now that you know what you need and have narrowed your field of companies, find one that is willing to discuss all of your questions. Is the company capable of raising the coverage as the value increases? Are there members on staff that have a specialized knowledge of collectible vehicles who can address situations as they arise? Is there an adequate allowance for unique towing and repair needs?


Does the policy being offered allow for the number of car shows and travel that you will require? Coverage can vary widely on allowances for travel to car shows and other venues. These qualifications must be explicitly stated within the policy. Exclusions can be made that would preclude you from traveling to these shows, or may require towing to do so. 


You want to fully enjoy the privilege and pleasure of owning an antique vehicle. Educating yourself goes a long way in selecting the insurance coverage that is right for you. 


Don’t leave your specialized insurance needs to anyone but the professionals. We at Bieritz stand ready to share our extensive knowledge and insurance options with you. We will help you get the most out of your investment. Contact us today at our website at bieritzinsurance.com/contact-us


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Common Questions about Motorcycle Insurance

If you already have a motorcycle, are planning on getting your motorcycle license or are planning on purchasing a motorcycle in the near future, you may want to read this. Though motorcycles can travel on the same road that all types of passenger and commercial vehicles, insurance with motorcycles works a little bit differently.


Here is an overview of some of the most frequently asked questions about motorcycle insurance.


How is a motorcycle insurance policy different from auto insurance?

There are a few key ways that motorcycle insurance is different from car insurance: 

  • It can be more expensive than car insurance depending on the type of motorcycle you purchase and the type of protection you want.
  • Personal injury protection is not mandatory but is a good idea should you have an accident.
  • You need added coverage if you plan on taking passengers. 
  • There are different coverage add-ons than with car insurance.


First and foremost, you should realize that motorcycle insurance can cost more than your standard car insurance. This is for the obvious reason that motorcycle drivers are at much higher risk of an accident than people driving passenger vehicles. Motorcycles are more costly to insure because motorcyclists are up to 27 times more likely to die in traffic accidents and have a 5 times higher risk of injury (Source iii.org). 


Unlike passenger vehicles, motorcycles offer virtually no protection to riders when they are on the open road. In the event of an accident, motorcycle riders are usually thrown completely off of their vehicles. This dramatically increases the likelihood of an injury. If a motorcycle is in an accident with a passenger vehicle, there is a far greater likelihood that the motorcycle driver will be seriously injured, more so than the passengers in a passenger vehicle. There is a form of personal injury insurance called PIP (Personal Injury Protection) that is made available to motorcycle drivers and motorists, which help cover you in the event of an accident involving a serious injury.


With standard automotive insurance, the passengers in your vehicle are usually covered unless you have basic liability coverage that states otherwise. Motorcycles are considered to be a mode of transportation for just one person, which means you need to add guest passenger liability insurance if you expect you are going to have passengers on your motorcycle. Bear in mind that this  insurance option covers passenger injuries, but only if you are not the person liable or responsible for their injuries. You can also add medical payments coverage which will cover injuries to your passengers regardless of the fault of you or the other driver.


What are some of the things you need to keep in mind when purchasing your policy? 

Keep in mind that the more expensive your motorcycle is, the more expensive your insurance will be. Make sure to ask your insurance agent or company about add-ons to your policy for passengers or special forms of insurance. If you aren’t going to be driving your motorcycle year-round, let them know so you can set up different insurance for the times of year you aren’t riding.


What if you Drive Your Motorcycle less than 6 Months Per Year? 

Insurance companies realize that you may live in a climate where it isn’t safe and it doesn’t make sense to ride your motorcycle 12 months out of the year. If that is the case for you, you can get laid up insurance. Laid up insurance offers insurance coverage for your motorcycle against fire, theft and other threats associated with storing your bike for cooler months of the year and putting your bike into winter storage. Keep in mind that laid up the insurance is less expensive than your normal insurance when you are riding, but you will not be covered by your insurance if you take your bike out during this time period when it is supposed to be stored.


Are there greater discounts for participating in safety courses? 

Taking and successfully completing a motorcycle safety course can give you greater discounts on your insurance rates. Make sure to ask your insurance company to see which courses they approve of, and how much completing those courses could lower your insurance bill.


Are there best practices for protecting your motorcycle? 

Make sure to park your motorcycle in safe, well-lit areas where motorcycle parking is designated or permitted. You may want to take a waterproof motorcycle cover with you to protect it when it is parked outdoors.


Motorcycles can be a great way to get around in the warmer months, but make sure you keep in mind the additional costs for insurance and safety equipment.  If you have more questions about motorcycle insurance, contact our team at Bieritz Insurance.  We will be happy to help you.  

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Benefits of Bundling Home and Auto Policies


When you’re in the market for insurance, the choices can seem overwhelming. If you’re looking for multiple types of insurance, it may make the most sense to bundle them or buy them all from the same company. This is often done with homeowner’s and automobile insurance. Depending on the company you are working with, you may be able to bundle additional insurance types, such as a personal umbrella policy. There are many reasons to consider bundling your homeowner’s and auto insurance together. 



Benefits of bundling

Just as with purchasing any insurance, you need to do your research to evaluate prices and coverage. Often times it makes sense to bundle for the following reasons: 

  • It is cost effective. 
    Most insurance carriers will offer a discount when you bundle your homeowner’s and automobile insurance policies. The actual discount varies by insurer but is usually between five and 25 percent – a great incentive for additional coverage and a solid discount.
  • It is convenient.
    Bundling your insurance policies together makes things much easier for you. It makes it easier to manage multiple policies as you may only need one login and password and it reduces paperwork. This also saves you time and headaches because you only need to deal with a single carrier instead of multiple carriers with multiple policies.
  • Making changes are easier.
    By working with just one company, changing or adding to your policies will also be much easier. Your agent will have a good handle on your situation and be able to make it easier to add insurance, apply discounts and add endorsements. This relationship will be more and more beneficial over time as things in your life change.
  • It can give you access to unique product tiers or more complex bundles.
    If you decide to combine all of your policies, insurers will usually offer more complex bundles or unique product tiers. They may offer one product package to cover all your insurance needs. Most home and auto insurers offer insurance in other specialized areas of personal property protection as well. Unique product tiers are helpful for cutting out paperwork, wrapping it all into a single bill and could reduce everything to just a single deductible.

Things to consider

  • The price of your home.
    If you have a higher value home, you could get a higher discount for bundling home and auto insurance.
  • The price of your vehicle.
    The opposite is true for a luxury vehicle, which can drive up bundled premiums. This is because of how expensive it can be to repair these types of cars. It could be better in this case to have separate policies.
  • Where you live.
    People who live in safer places will probably save more money than those in high-risk flood and other disaster areas.


Bundling your home and auto insurance can have great benefits, but it all comes down to your specific circumstances and working closely with your insurance agent. Contact our team at Bieritz Insurance today to find the best policies for you!

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Understanding Rental and Non-Owned Vehicle Insurance

Everyone wants assurance that he or she is fully protected on the road. Most drivers understand the need for comprehensive, reputable insurance when driving their own vehicles. When you must drive a rental vehicle or operate one that is not your own, having a clear understanding of insurance regulations and coverage in these situations is vital. Don’t be blindsided by finding yourself not as fully covered as you thought. Educate yourself on how insurance works for rentals and other non-owned vehicles, and find out why Bieritz Insurance Agency is a strong choice for all of your insurance needs.

Knowledge is Power

This cannot be stressed enough. Do your research before operating any vehicle that is not your own or lending a vehicle to others. Conduct a thorough review of your own policy, and take the time to call your insurance company to review your level of coverage, especially if you are considering lending your car to someone else. Clarify the specifics of your policy, such as deductibles, coverage limitations and coverage for rental vehicles.

Honesty is Key

When speaking with your agent, be forthright. Let your agent know the specifics of your situation, even if you are considering lending your convertible to your second cousin for prom. You may know that seems risky, and may not want to be upfront, but it is critical that you review the situation with your company’s representative as fully and honestly as possible. Factors such as age or the frequency of lending may affect the car’s coverage.

Basics are important

Clarify with your provider about how your insurance coverage works, so that there is no costly misunderstanding. Also, be sure to review how insurance is applied in the main categories of operating a non-owned car:

Coverage for Rented Vehicles:

Many rental companies will lure you in with a great weekly rate, then pressure you to add on rental insurance. If you have already done your homework and thoroughly reviewed your own policy, you will be ready to make a wise decision. Under most comprehensive policies, you have coverage for vehicles that are similar to your own. However, if you are on a blowout vacation that includes a luxury or brand new vehicle, your policy for your ten-year-old sedan may leave gaps. In this case, rental insurance is wise, even if it doubles the cost of the rental. Rental companies can tack on fees and penalties in the case of an accident that won’t be covered by the renter’s insurance. Also, if you are reserving and paying for the rental by credit card, the credit card may provide secondary or gap insurance. Take time to find out.

It is important to weigh out all of these considerations when renting any vehicle. Make decisions ahead of time so that you will not succumb to pressure at the counter.

Coverage for Borrowed Vehicles:

The basic rule of thumb is, insurance follows the car, not the driver. In most situations, the insurance policy on the car will cover the car when it is borrowed. A comprehensive policy should include situations of lending or renting the vehicle. A deductible will be required. It should be worked out ahead of time who will pay the deductible in case of an accident. An awkward conversation at the beginning is better than an angry confrontation later. In all cases, make sure that the vehicle’s registration and proof of insurance is kept conveniently in the glove compartment for easy retrieval.

What if the borrowed vehicle is involved in a major accident, such as causing the pile-up of several cars? In the event that an accident exceeds the limitations of the owner’s policy, a claim can then be filed with the driver’s insurance company in order to cover the gaps. This is why it is important not to lend to an uninsured driver unless you specifically purchase short-term insurance. This insurance, known as Endorsement 27, covers “civil liability for damage caused to vehicles of which named insured is not owner” and is provided by many companies.

Considerations of the proper insurance in times of renting, borrowing or lending a vehicle are important, yet complex. If you have need to rent or hire a vehicle, turn to the professionals for guidance. Call on Bieritz Insurance Agency to provide you with the information and insurance services that you need. We offer a wide-range of vehicle coverage products and possess the knowledge to help you make decisions that will save time, money and headache, even in most challenging situations. We have the ability to offer our clients a multitude of options because we work with over twenty providers to find exactly the right product to fit the need.

Contact Bieritz Insurance today in Cooperstown at 607-547-2951 or by email at agent@bieritzinsurance.com. You may also reach our office in Morris at 607-263-5270 or at agent@morrisinsuranceny.com.

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Insurance for Contractors

Insurance for ContractorsIf you are a general contractor or own a construction company, having insurance is a necessary expense. Insurance helps to protect  you if accidents or mistakes occur or if your or one of your employees gets hurt on the job. There are several different types of insurance that relate to businesses, so it can be difficult to know what needs to be included in your business insurance policy. Here is some general information to help provide an overview.  We recommend that you connect with our team for more detailed information.


General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is required by law for general contractors. This type of insurance covers you from common accidents that might occur on the job, including injury to a third party, damage to the property at which you are working and physical injury to yourself or issues such as slander. General liability insurance is the most important type of policy you can carry to protect you and your business.


Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is another type of insurance that you are required to carry by law. This type of insurance is crucial because it covers you in the event one of your workers becomes ill or is injured while on the job. Workers’ compensation insurance will kick in and pay the salary and medical benefits of the worker, which can save you a great deal of money. Furthermore, your workers’ compensation policy will protect you from being sued directly, which can save you both time and money by preventing a lawsuit. If you work for yourself and do not have any employees, this type of insurance may not necessary, but check with our office to make sure you are in compliance.


Third-party Liability

Most states require contractors to carry third-party liability insurance. This type of policy protects your clients from claims you make against them. Further, if you have a subcontractor working for you, then they must have third-party liability insurance to protect you.


Auto Insurance

Any and all vehicles you use for your contracting business need to be properly insured. In addition, any employees you have authorized to drive your vehicles must be covered on the policy. It is also a wise idea to make sure any employees you allow to drive your vehicles have up-to-date commercial driving insurance.


Although the above types of insurance policies are required for contractors, they are not the only types of insurance policies that are available. Below are some addional, optional insurance policies that you can consider.


Specific Coverage Extension

Construction work is risky, so you need to be prepared for unexpected issues that happen on a worksite. Specific coverage extension insurance covers issues that come about because of flawed planning, design, materials or poor workmanship. This coverage kicks in to cover any expenses that arise from these issues that your general liability policy does not cover.

Flood Insurance

As its name implies, flood insurance protects your worksite in the event of a flood. This is an excellent option if your worksite is in an area that is prone to flooding, such as on the coast or near a river.


Property Insurance

Although property insurance is most often associated with homes and business properties, it can be beneficial for contractors, too. You can use this type of insurance to cover your physical assets like your office space, warehouse, building materials, equipment and tools.


Contractors Pollution Insurance

As a contractor, you must follow specific environmental laws that are in place to keep the Earth healthy and viable. If your project runs the risk of violating environmental laws (excavations near fuel lines, or other possible contaminants, pollution insurance can help protect you from lawsuits and the expenses that accompany them.


Builders Risk Insurance

Your materials, tools and equipment cost a lot of money. If they are lost, stolen or damaged the cost of replacing them can be exorbitant. Builders risk insurance can help defray the costs associated with these losses. This type of insurance is also helpful or subcontractors or equipment owners, too.


Roofers Insurance

This specific type of general liability insurance provides coverage for roofing contractors. It can be used  in the event of a workplace incident that leads to the injury of a worker. This type of insurance is separate from general contractors’ insurance because roofers work at a higher height and the risk of accidents is much greater.


If you are a contractor, it is crucial to your business to have a sufficient amount of insurance coverage. If you have any questions regarding the best types of coverage for your business, contact Biertiz Insurance today.  Our team is happy to answer your questions and find the right products to meet your needs at an affordable price.


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NYS Dept. of Financial Services Information re: COVID-19

Attention all insurance policy holders:

If you are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is information available through the New York State Department of Financial Services that discusses the new regulations concerning payments, missed payments, late fees and more, as per the Governor’s Executive Orders (March/April).


The above document is the full, formal, legal document, so if you have any trouble understanding what it might mean for you, please contact our office at 607-547-2951 and we will be happy to review your needs together with you.

Above all, we are here to help our clients safely navigate through these unprecedented times and provide our support as needed.

Stay safe and be well.

Ben Novellano, President
Bieritz Insurance Agency


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Insurance for your Home Equipment and Infrastructure

If you are a homeowner, then you know that warranties and service contracts don’t cover everything.  There is, however, insurance that covers your home systems to help reduce your financial burden in the event of breakdown on your home equipment infrastructure. These policies may cover any gaps when it comes to protecting your home and it’s operations.

Home system insurance is an enhancement option that can be added on to your homeowner’s policy. It’s not a requirement at this time, but it might be a good idea to consider as an added layer of protection when it comes to the things that help your home function (heating, cooling, security, etc.).

It should be noted that this coverage is not for overall “wear and tear”, but instead covers things like accidents, mechanical breakdown, electrical breakdown and circuitry impairment. Since our home systems provide the most basic functions and serve the most essential needs in our day-to-day lives, it is important to consider protections for those operations.

Most coverage plans protect you for up to $100,000 and offer between a $500 and $1000 deductible depending on the level of coverage that you choose to purchase. Most plans are offered for pennies per day for coverage that will assure you that everything in your home can be taken care of and that nothing will be left behind or forgotten about.

Examples of systems that can be covered include:

  • Air Conditioning
  • Boilers
  • Furnaces
  • Air pumps
  • Water purification and filtration
  • Emergency generators
  • Well pumps, sub pumps
  • Home security protection
  • Green tech energy (solar panels)

Examples of personal property that can be protected include:

  • Laundry appliances
  • Home theatre equipment
  • Refrigerators
  • Microwaves
  • Ovens
  • Electronics (video game consoles, tablets, computers)

Of course, every home and every homeowner is different.  Some things may already be covered through your homeowners insurance policy, but our team at Bieritz Insurance Agency can help you assess things that might not be covered and find the right options to best protect you.  If you have any questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us at Bieritz Insurance to schedule an appointment for a personalized assessment.  We are happy to help you.

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Snowmobiling Resources through the NYS Association

During the wintertime, snowmobiling is an amazing way to see the state of New York. The snow on the ground and the chill in the air sets a different perspective on the state. Did you know that there are about 10,000 miles of trails that are available around the state with levels of difficulty ranging from first-timer amateur to well seasoned professionals? Rest assured, there’s something for just about everyone. The New York State Snowmobiling Association website is a great place to get started in order to gather information. It can provide tips for those that are new and can answer detailed questions for those that are more experienced.

The NYS Snowmobiling Association website offers an opportunity to get your snowmobile registered online. Whether you are a New York resident or a visitor, your vehicle needs to be registered by the New York Department of Motor Vehicles. The website also offers a shortcut for finding what clubs you can join. Although joining a snowmobiling club isn’t required in order to ride, it’s highly recommended. The website offers a full list of clubs that are available to you. Joining a club will give you discounts on your registration of your snowmobile. The fee for registration is $100, but this will go down to $45 if you join a club. Also, snowmobiling clubs are open to everyone, not just New York state residents. This will apply to multiple snowmobiles as well if you own more than one. If you’re serious about snowmobiling, it can be worth it to join a club.  If you’re not interested in buying a snowmobile outright, there are rental options. The website also offers a list of companies that can also feature tours led by more experienced riders and professional guides.


One of the most important resources available through the State Association is the New York State Snowmobiler’s Guide.  This resource is periodically updated and it is recommended that all riders familiarize themselves with the guide. The guide contains information such as coverage guides for your snowmobile. Contact our team at Bieritz Insurance Agency so that you can speak with an agent to determine what level of coverage is most appropriate for you. The only exception about insurance is if you are operating the snowmobile only on your own property. Otherwise, you’ll need to be insured in order to ride on public trails. In the unfortunate event that you are in an accident, you can refer to the website to guide you through what you need to do.  They keep an updated accident report in a PDF file so that it can be quickly downloaded and then printed to file a report.


Here are some tips directly from the website that outlines what not to do when operating a snowmobile.

“It is UNLAWFUL to operate a snowmobile:

  1. at a speed greater than reasonable or prudent under the surrounding conditions, or at a speed greater than 55 mph
  2. in any careless, reckless, or negligent manner
  3. while the operator is intoxicated
  4. without the required lights
  5. on the tracks of an operating railroad
  6. in any tree nursery or planting in a manner that damages growing stock
  7. on private property without the consent of the owner
  8. towing a sleigh or toboggan except with a rigid tow bar
  9. in any way that the operator fails to yield to an emergency vehicle approaching from any direction 10. in any way that fails to comply with a lawful order from a police officer
  10. on a frozen body of water within one hundred feet of a skater, ice fisherman, ice fishing house, or other person not on a snowmobile except at the minimum speed required to maintain forward motion
  11. within one hundred feet of a dwelling between 12 midnight and 6 AM at a speed greater than the minimum speed required to maintain forward motion.”


When you visit the NYS Snowmobiling Association website, you can count on information to help you make sure your snowmobiling adventure is completely legal and safe. When you ride, be sure to treat others as if you were in a regular car and be sure to treat the surrounding natural area with the utmost respect. Keep the trails in the best condition that you can so that you return to your favorite ones and leave the trails ready for future riders.

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Commercial vs. Personal Auto Insurance –  Which One Is Right For You? 

The line between commercial and personal auto insurance policies can be a little blurry. If you’re a business owner, then you understand the importance behind every decision you make. If you’re wondering whether you should purchase commercial or personal auto insurance, we’re here to help. 

What is the main difference? 


The biggest difference between commercial and personal auto insurance policies is their liability coverage. Commercial auto insurance covers accidents that happen while you or your employees are operating a vehicle for business needs. Business needs could be things like transporting products, clients, or materials.  A commercial policy is also quite broad and can include many people. All of your employees can be on your commercial auto insurance policy as long as they all have valid driver’s licenses. 


Personal auto insurance is meant for the vehicles that you own and that you use for your own needs. Liability coverage will be lower because there will be less vehicles and people involved. The details of the policy will be pretty simple because it’s just for the few vehicles that you own. You can decide on specifics like comprehensive collision, underinsured driver coverage, and what liability limits are best for you. 


Commercial auto insurance 

Take a look at these tasks. If you use a vehicle regularly to complete tasks like these, then commercial auto insurance is definitely the best option for you. 

  • Transport products 
  • Transport employees and clients 
  • Charge passengers to ride in the vehicle 
  • Transport large loads for your business 
  • Use your vehicle with a tow 
  • Use your vehicle to perform a service that you’re paid for 


A commercial auto insurance policy can have higher liability limits than any personal policy. It can give you high protection if you are ever in any legal challenge regarding a vehicle accident. 


If you don’t own multiple business vehicles and your employees use their own vehicles to perform business services, there is an option for that situation as well. You can purchase a “hired non-owned” policy. This means that those vehicles will be protected, even though they are not owned by your business. Many business owners go this route because it’s cheaper and it eliminates some of the stress from their shoulders. 


Both corporate companies and independent contractors need auto insurance, but the policies will differ slightly. Corporate companies will need to insure thousands of people because of their size, while independent contract companies will mostly likely be insuring a lower number of people. Liability coverage will most likely need to be higher for corporate companies. These specifics can be ironed out with your insurer based upon the policies that are offered. 


Personal auto insurance 

Personal auto insurance will only cover accidents that happen while you’re driving for personal reasons. These personal reasons can be things you do every day, like commuting to work or going to the grocery store. These policies only insure the owner of the vehicle and immediate family members that are added to the policy. You can add several people to a personal policy, but it’s not meant for twenty people. Commercial policies are designed for those high numbers. 


In some cases, personal auto insurance will be enough for some sole proprietors. If you only use your vehicle for business purposes very infrequently, your insurer may be able to change your personal coverage slightly to meet those needs. You may end up paying a little bit more per month, but having protection is definitely worth it. This all depends on who your insurer is and what kind of adjustments they can make for you. 


Heavy-duty vehicles 

If you use a heavy vehicle for your business, then you will need a heavy-duty vehicle policy. Insurers have different policies for these vehicles because their weight will cause more damage in an accident than a “normal” vehicle. Any vehicle that weighs more than five tons or transports more than a one-ton load is considered heavy-duty and will require special insurance. These vehicles include tow trucks, buses, cement mixers, and semi-trucks. 


If you use these heavy vehicles in your business, your policy will need to have a liability limit high enough to cover damages. If you’re unsure about your policy and what its liability limits are, you should speak with someone from our team – we are happy to answer any of your questions. 


Looking to purchase insurance? 

Contact Bieritz Insurance Agency today! We offer an assortment of products for all your insurance needs. Our staff is dedicated to working with you to procure the best possible policy at the best price. Our offices are located in Cooperstown and Morris, New York. You can contact us at our Cooperstown office at (607)-547-2951 or at our Morris office at (607)-263-5170. Click here to find out more about our company and to make an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Understanding Automobile Collision Insurance

When it comes to automobile insurance, it’s important to understand your policies. You want to have enough coverage should something happen, but at the same time you don’t want to pay for coverage you don’t need. There are different options available to you and it’s important that you understand them.

collision insurance

Collision insurance coverage is something you need to consider as part of your policy. It has many benefits, but it needs to be under the right circumstances. There are certain things you need to understand about collision coverage and things you need to evaluate about your own vehicle before you decide about moving forward. Take a look at the information below to see what you need to do.

What you need to know about collision insurance coverage

– It’s optional. 

The first thing is that you need to understand this type of coverage. Collision insurance coverage is not required by state law like other types of insurance. For this type of coverage, you can decide for yourself if it’s something you want. If you still have a loan though, your lender will probably insist that you maintain collision coverage and may add it to your loan if you don’t purchase it. 

– What it covers.

Collision insurance can help you in certain accidents. If you have a collision with either another vehicle or hit a stationary object, your vehicle could have a lot of damage. Collision insurance helps to repair or replace your vehicle in these cases. 

This type of insurance is also very helpful in case the other person caused the collision and is uninsured. You may have issues getting the funds from someone who isn’t insured, so collision insurance will be able to help you in this case.

– There is a deductible. 

Usually you would be able to choose the amount of your deductible when you buy coverage. Your deductible should be an amount that you can easily pay in the event of an accident. The lower your deductible, the higher your premium will be, so keep that in mind. 

– There is a limit. 

Keep in mind that there is a limit to the amount that your collision insurance will pay. It will only pay up to the value of your vehicle. It is possible that your vehicle could cost more to fix than it is valued. 

Do I need it?

– Consider your specific vehicle. 

The decision to drop collision coverage is not one to take lightly. It is also one that is different for everyone and depends on your individual circumstances. 

When deciding whether or not to have or drop collision insurance, you need to know the actual value of your vehicle. This is a great place to start. Most people are likely to drop this coverage once their car is at least eight years old, according to analysis from Insurance.com. If you decide to drop your coverage, it should mean that you’re able to function without the car or you can replace it on your own.

Personal finance writer Kathy Kristof suggests to weigh the coverage cost against the replacement cost. If you pay 10 percent or more of the replacement cost of your vehicle for collision coverage, you might want to consider dropping it. In order to determine this, you need to know the worth of your vehicle.

– How to figure out the value of your vehicle. 

Kelley Blue Book is an authority on vehicle value. You will need to do is enter in your vehicle’s year, make, model, mileage and zip code. Then answer some questions about your specific car and you will be able to determine your car’s trade-in value.

– Consider your savings and budget.

When you make any sort of purchase, consider how the cost will affect your budget. You should also take into account how much you have in your savings. Could you replace your car if you had to on your own?

Collision insurance can be a valuable asset in times of need. Make sure you understand your policy and if your vehicle should be covered under this protection. Work closely with your insurance company to fully understand what you need. Contact our Team for more information.

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The Two Types Of Insurance Deductibles And What They Mean To You

Home, life and auto insurance consists of paying providers in premiums and deductibles. A premium is your monthly fee for the insurance. Without insurance, you are left to foot a huge bill for injuries, accidents and property damage if you are held liable. Premiums basically have you pay monthly so that when something serious does happen, you only pay a smaller, fixed amount of money, which is the deductible.

Deductible Title On Legal Documents

What Is An Insurance Deductible?

For those that need a better understanding of what an insurance deductible is, it is how much money that you would have to pay in the event of damage or a loss. Some examples of having to pay a deductible would be if you are responsible for causing a car accident, if you drive through somebody’s fence, etc.

You might have an insurance policy that costs 50 dollars a month, with a deductible of $500. That means you will have to pay just $500 with the rest of the expenses being paid for by the insurance company. For auto, this is to not just promote responsible driving, but to also spread the cost of damages evenly between drivers and their insurance providers.

You can buy insurance with a high or low deductible, but whatever type of deductible you get, you get a fixed premium that reflects it. If you, for instance, choose a low monthly payment or premium, the deductible goes up, meaning that you will have to pay more in the event of an accident or damaged assets. If you choose a high premium, and pay more each month for insurance, your deductible will typically be lowered. The relationship with premiums and deductibles has a teeter-totter effect to it.

When considering a high or low deductible, however, there are many factors to consider. Choosing your deductible is a pivotal personal and financial decision that should define what meets your needs the best.

Insurance plans are essentially based on risk, with both the provider and the consumer in an agreement to assume a degree of risk. Provider can have multiple insurance plans available, both that have high deductibles when an insurance claim is submitted, as well as high premiums.

The insurance plan that is best for you depends on a number of factors including your financial commitments and expected income. Before signing an insurance contract, it is important to be able to have the money available to cover deductibles, medical bills, rental cars, co-payments, and/or anything else.

High Deductible

High deductibles are more favorable to consumers thanks to the low monthly payments. Paying for a higher deductible might be worth it for people that avoid having to drive long distances and in high-traffic areas. High deductibles are also worth it for people that have the cash saved up in case of such an event.

Will the money that you save with a low monthly fee be worth the higher risk with a high deductible? High deductible are worth it for people who want to be rewarded for driving safely and have money on reserve in the event of an accident or damaged assets.

Low Deductible

Some people decide that it is worth it to pay more in premiums per month and get a lower deductible in return. If an accident or anything were to happen to your property, you would have to pay less out-of-pocket.

Low deductibles are ideal for young drivers who are still getting used to driving or are driving rather reckless. Low deductibles are also better for repeat offenders. People who drive recklessly are more likely to get into an accident than people who drive safely, so having an insurance plan with a low deductible will be the better of the two choices.

Choosing Between High And Low Deductibles

If you are still contemplating high and low deductibles, you should consider your current financial situation as well as your driving record to determine what sort of insurance plan you should go with. If your driving record is spotless and have been driving for longer than ten years, there is a chance that you can lower your deductible without raising your monthly premiums. When reviewing insurance policies, you should come across choices in deductibles such as 250, 500, 1,000 and 1,500 dollars. If you’ve never had an accident, it makes sense for you to choose a high deductible. Otherwise, you likely want a low deductible if there are a few blemishes on your driving record.


Both types of deductibles can be good to have, and we do not consider one to be better than the other. Both types of deductibles can be seen as advantageous depending on financial situations, security and driving habits, and the needs of either vary depending on the customer.  If you have questions about deductibles or any of your insurance plans, contact our team at Bieritz Insurance for an appointment.  We will be happy to provide the information and options you require for the best plan possible.

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Don’t Go There; Four Reasons You Shouldn’t Choose Online For Insurance

Are you contemplating which direction to go in regards to getting insurance? Two general options that people take are applying for insurance locally or applying online. While some insurance buyers like the convenience factor of getting their insurance online, that is usually where the advantages end with online companies. Online insurance companies tend to be mainstream corporations that look to reach far and wide for as many customers as possible, whereas a local insurance company only works to cater to people who live around their area. 

If possible, we suggest to skip the online route and get your insurance from a local provider, and here are four reasons why.

You’ll Have To Make The Tough Decisions On Your Own

With a local insurance company, in order to find the best policy for you, you only have to talk to your agent and tell them about your situation. Well all know how to talk to people, so that is usually all it takes to find the best policy. While talking with an agent can take some time, talking with an agent is not known to be directionless and painstaking like applying for insurance online.

Menus, forms, articles, all sorts of web pages are things that you need to read, review, navigate through and fill out, and that doesn’t even include all the policy options that are available to you. You’re left to apply for insurance on your own with limited help available to you.

Any Person You Talk To Would Require Dialing A 1-800 Number

1-800 numbers are not as dreadful as they seem, but people often find it a nuisance to have to call the number, listen to an automated system and then wait for what seems like a long period of time before they have the chance to talk to a human being about their insurance. It will instantly remind you of customer service for any given mainstream corporation, and you shouldn’t have to experience this if you don’t need to.

When you have questions or problems arise, you would like to have a person talk to you, and to be available once you dial their number. With a local insurance agent, it is great to have this advantage, as if you were dialing a friend. That isn’t to say that they might not be available to respond to your calls all the time, but still having the agent’s number is a big decisive factor for many to choose local insurance over online insurance.

You Are Your Own Insurance Guru

Not everybody picks up on insurance at a rapid pace, but thanks to insurance agents, we don’t need to. With a local agent, you are able to talk and interact with a person who lives and works around you. This person known the ins and outs about insurance and are often hired as a guide to help a person or family find what is best for them.

With an online insurance company, you don’t have this. There is no agent available to help you choose the right plan or policy, which means you need to spend some time researching which insurance plan would be the best option for you. And even then, you could still have some doubts about whether or not the plan is something to pursue.

Alternatively, you can call the 1-800 number to get advice from a representative of that online company, but because you don’t have an assigned agent like you would locally, you will get paired with somebody different every time you call the 1-800 number. There are instances where the representative that you are matches with can be super helpful with you, and you wish that you can call that person every time you need help, but you can feel the same way all the time by opting to talk to a local insurance agent.

You Don’t Have A Human To Interact With In The Event Of Damage Or Disaster

Lost or damaged property means that you will need a claim to get filed. If you have local insurance, your agent can likely file your claim for you. If you have online insurance, you will need to file it on your own. This is important for a couple of reasons.

During a time of stress, having a trusted person to talk to is very important. Hearing a familiar voice talking to you, whether in person or on the phone should be very comforting and satisfying in a possible time of need.  But not only can a local insurance agent be good to talk to amid an unfortunate event, but they can file your claim so that you don’t have to. With your mind of many other things, you won’t have to worry about doing the paperwork. Just tell them what happened in detail, and he or she will handle the claim from there.

It’s great to have somebody in your own community to turn to, which is why local insurance is oftentimes the better choice over online insurance. Give us a call today and our team will be happy to review your options with you!

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