
Can Going Green be Good for Your Business?

Last week, we celebrated the 51st anniversary of the first Earth Day.  The first event in 1970 looked a lot different than it does today.  It was the largest single-day protest in human history when more than 20 million people poured out onto the streets throughout the US.  Shortly after that, in 1972 landmark conservation laws and regulations were passed that included the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, to name a few.  While there is a lot that has changed over the last 50 years, a good deal of our original challenges that remain today.  For example, Recycling remains a challenge.  In Otsego County, only about 12% of recyclable materials are recovered with close to 80% continuing to go to landfills.

If you own a business, you likely take some time each year to do some planning.  What are things that you are doing that are working well?  What are some things you can do better? etc.  Do you keep your environmental impact in mind when you are going through these planning steps?   Going green with your business can be a good thing!

Otsego County Solid Waste Department recently launched their Waste-Smart Business Certification to recognize businesses that are making the effort to improve their practices.  They have three levels of recognition that are based on a point system.  Your certification can be a deciding factor for someone who might want to do business with you.  When researching you and your competitors, this may have weight in the decision making process.  Learn more about the requirements and benefits at their website at https://www.otsegocounty.com/departments/s-y/solid_waste/waste-smart_business_certification.php.

There are other ways that environmentally-friendly practices can save your business money and lower your insurance risk.  For example, you can switch to using only non-toxic cleaning products in the workplace.  Exposure to fewer toxins can keep your employees healthier – reducing the number of sick days as well as expenses on health insurance.   You can save energy and dollars in a number of ways as well.  By powering down your business machines at the end of the workday, you can save energy and avoid risks of data breaches during the off hours; making the switch to LED light bulbs means less energy cost, less bulb replacement cost, and less risk of injury if replacement requires a ladder.  If you drive as part of your work, following fuel efficiency guidelines can not only reduce your costs for fuel, but can also improve safety and reduce your chances of having an accident.  Less accidents can translate into lower rates for your insurance.

These are just a few ways that your green practices can make sense for both the environment and for your business!  Take a few minutes and decide on something you can do today to make a difference.  If you are looking to assess your business insurance plans and your risks, please give our team a call and schedule for a free consultation.  Reach us in Cooperstown, NY at 607-547-2951 and in Morris, NY at 607-263-5170.